Our Service
At AlmaSana, we learn to cultivate the landscape of our inner world. This landscape is a space to practice our knowledge and spiritual practices, so that we may heal our hearts and nurture authenticity in unity with our environment. It is with dedication, discipline and respect for the sacred master plants that we use their nourishing, vital energy to cultivate a vibrant, pure vision for each person who visits.
Through a new perspective of time, we learn to slow down and soak in the medicine of the natural flow of life. There is time for ceremony and retreat, balanced with time to rest, integrate, creative play and activate the teachings of the medicine in our normal daily activities. Each aspect of life can be considered as a ceremony here at AlmaSana!
The Ceremony of Life
AlmaSana teaches us appreciation and the joy of being alive. In this place, we find growth in every moment, living harmoniously with nature and leaving behind footprints of gratitude and a desire to love. Art, handcrafts, music and practices such as yoga and Tai Chi bring life to AlmaSana. We encourage sharing stories by the sacred maloka fire, walking in the beautiful mountains, and having a bath in the fresh river.
We are surrounded by flourishing gardens, giving us the opportunity to learn about growing seeds, planting and caring for the earth we live on. There are many ways you can help AlmaSana grow healthy. We ask every visitor to participate in the projects on this landscape and spend at least four hours during the week to assist in the blossoming of the gardens with us. The earth shares in our healing by teaching us on a deep, practical level about consciously caring for the earth that supports us in every moment.
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